Just click here and scroll down to "Philadephia Book Offer" or click on the links below to save 10% on autographed copies of any of the following Rall books.
2006 · paperback · 168 pages
EschaCon’08 Price: $11.65 plus $5 shipping
Rall's most controversial cartoons assembled for the first time in a single collection. Rall, who views his strips as a vehicle for driving social change, applies his outrageous sense of humor to volatile topics from 9/11 and the Iraq war to social issues such as unemployment, the environment, and religion. Order here. EschaCon’08 Price: $11.65 plus $5 shipping
2004 · 336 pages · paperback
EschaCon’08 price: $14.35 plus $5 shipping
Declaring that the last "real" Democrat in the White House was Lyndon Johnson, Rall decries the hijacking of the government by right-wingers and the seeming powerlessness of the left to stop them. Fearing his trademark no-holds-barred invective, Rall tells liberal Americans how to organize a vibrant, relevant alternative to rightist rule and make life better for vast numbers of people in the process. Order here.
2004 · 208 pages · paperback
EschaCon’08 price: $12.55 plus $5 shipping
From the New York Times Book Review: “The best part of Generalissimo is its earliest material, centered on the 2000 election. Rall, unlike practically everyone else, allowed the president no honeymoon. He labeled the election stolen early and often. The resolution of the whole mess was far too casual for his taste; there was, he felt, too much at stake. Given all that has happened since, it appears he was right.” Read the whole review here. Order here. 2006 · paperback · 128 pages
Eschacon’08 price: $12.55 plus $5 shipping
Cartoons by, interviews with and personal ephemera of, among others Rob Balder ("Partially Clips" 2), Matt Bors ("Idiot Box" 4), Steven L. Cloud ("Boy on a Stick and Slither"), M.e. Cohen ("HumorInk"), Brian McFadden ("Big Fat Whale"), August J. Pollak ("XQUZYPHYR" & "Overboard"), and many more. Order here.
2006 · paperback · 304 pages
Eschacon ’08 price: $14.04 plus $5 shipping
Part travelogue, part political analysis and part graphic novel, Silk Road to Ruin is a comprehensive look at the "New Middle East." Includes 200 pages of essays about everything from oil politics to the wild sport of buzkashi and 100 pages of graphic novel -- format comics about five of Rall’s trips to the region. Order here.