Look, we wouldn't be here if we weren't proud liberals. That means we donate all our money to sick puppies and quixotic campaigns. A surprisingly small number of us are hedge fund managers--though I guess that gig isn't quite the ride it used to be.
In order to allow those who may otherwise lack the means to attend EschaCon, we are establishing the EschaCon Travel Fund. Last time, we raised enough money to bring several people who might otherwise have had to miss, and we're hoping to do so again.
Should we (improbably) raise more money than we need, we will donate any remainder to a political candidate determined by an on-site poll.
So be a mensch--toss some sugar to the gang.
Hey sweetness and light, nice to see your old nom de blog. Anyhoo I know that I have not been around the crack den as often as in the past, but when is this thing going down?????
The United Negro Emirates must be representing...............
March 28-30, 2008 in the City of Brotherly Love.
It would be so cool to see you again!
I'll start saving the required acornage.......
I look forward to visiting my eyes upon your loveliness in meatspace once again.....
I see no one loves me still, so I'm determined to go. I can even contribute a couple of benjamins to the good of the group. All I want is to chair the blogger ethics committee. Is that too much?
is there ever new yawk gatherings?
singe, who has trouble figuring out how to register for stuff.
Drop res ipsa a line: I think there's one in the next week or so.
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